Health & Safety at BDM
BDM Window Cleaning is Accredited with the Federation of Window Cleaners. We are valued because we listen to our customers and work with them to address their needs through innovative solutions.
BDM window Cleaning Company aims as a business to act as a good employer and to conduct its business activities in a way which will achieve the highest possible standard of health & Safety for its employees and members of the public.
We regard the successful management of Health & Safety as equal to all its business activities. With your assistance and diligence, we aim to achieve and maintain these standards.

We are always vigilant with our health & safety practices
The co-operation of all employees is vital for the promotion of Health & Safety within the company. This will involve safety inspections, knowledge and participation of procedures and awareness of how to use and stow equipment accordingly.

The company intends to comply with all legal statutory requirements and Codes of Practice. In particular it will:
• Carry out a risk assessment while in the process of assessing new work
• Carry out an assessment of risks to all employees whilst at work.
• Provide and maintain safe working conditions and equipment.
• Provide instruction, information, training and supervision
• Provide suitable protective equipment where necessary.
Each employee has a duty to co-operate by:
• Using protective equipment provided
• Adhering to company rules
• Reporting incidents or hazards which could lead to injury or damage

Health & Safety at BDM
Employees will receive training to enable them to understand and adhere to the company’s policy and procedure; each employee will be issued with a copy of the National Federation of Master Window & General Cleaners Safety Guide which will be used as a benchmark to access risks in their working environment.
The First Aid Box is kept under the passenger seat in the cab of company vehicles and it is the responsibility of the proprietor to keep the box well stocked. In the event of an accident, call the First Aid person, if not, contact the company head office. In the event of a serious injury the injured person is not to be moved until examined by a first aid person.
All ladders will be inspected regularly by the Proprietor.
All staff will be trained in the correct use of ladders.
BDM’s first preference of use for cleaning exterior high rise windows is the reach & wash pure water system. Our personnel have a high degree of training and expertise in the use of this system. Personnel of the company are instructed to use ladders for high rise work only as a last resort.
We will not use faulty ladders
Use the correct ladder that enables you to gain access to the windows safely.
Make sure the ladder is extended to the proper height and locked in position before ascending it.
Will not over reach whilst standing on a ladder
Will not use a ladder on stairs/table or other unstable base unless assisted and is secured.
Will not leave a ladder standing up right unattended or expose ladders to high wind.
Will not leave ladders or other equipment I.e.: buckets, poles etc in exposed areas i.e. Stairwells, corridors, or at any exposed area in open plan offices.
Will not endanger the safety of the general public while using ladders.
Will not use a ladder on a slippery surface unless assisted and is secured, even if the risk involved were deemed to high, you must seek advice before proceeding.